Frequently Asked QuestionsStudio Procedures & Policies
How do I sign up for lessons?
What days and times are lessons available?
What are your rates?
What if I can't make a scheduled lesson?
How do I access the Student Portal?
What vacation days are recognized?
The studio is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays unless teacher scheduling conflicts require makeups. Other holidays include July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Day, New Year’s Eve and Day with limited teaching days between Christmas and New Year.
Voice Lessons
What vocal styles do you teach?
Everyone can learn how to sing the music they love even better with more power, strength, range, control and consistency. Although all good singing has a common technical foundation, each style or genre has unique musical and stylistic elements that can be learned. The students in Vocal Splendor Studios are quite diverse and their interests and performances include: rock, techno, pop, R&B, hip hop, metal, country, Indian, folk, classical, opera, musical theater, bluegrass, church music and more.
What level do you teach? Do you teach beginners?
What age is good for children to start taking lessons ?
Thankfully, the old fashioned idea that children shouldn’t take voice lessons is beginning to fade.
Voice lessons are fine for children as long as teachers choose age appropriate songs to sing with a focus on building vocal technique & vocal health. Children can learn good vocal habits early on before bad habits become set. As long as young voices aren’t pushed to sing too big, too soon, there is plenty of age appropriate music to work on.
Do I need to commit to long term lessons or can I just schedule lesson on appointment? I’m already a working singer and I just want some extra coaching for my show/audition/recording.
How long does it take before I can hear a change in my singing?
What should I bring to my voice lessons?
How should I practice at home? How long and how often?
Beginning students should plan for more short practices than long ones. Because we are working on recognizing and replacing bad habits with more effective habits, the focus at this stage is more on awareness. 10 or 15 minutes a day or every other day will make a difference. Being aware of your posture, breathing, alignment, phrasing and relaxation whenever you sing, is key.
If you sing regularly at school, church, at home and/or choir, you will be able to progress naturally. Besides awareness when singing, dedicated practice on vocal exercises will bring more progress. Intermediate and advanced students working on music will need to spend time working on notes, diction, and languages with more practice at home so we can use our lesson time most effectively.
Piano Lessons
What is the best age for children to take piano lessons?
Where is the best location for the piano?
Do we need to have a piano or does a keyboard work?
I’m an adult who has always wanted to play piano. Is it too late for me?
How much should my student practice?
Piano Practice Tips
- When practicing a new piece, always check and make sure you are using the correct fingering. The correct fingering is very important for building coordination of the hands and leads to greater facility.
- If you are having difficulty with a passage or phrase, count it out verbally first before playing it on the piano. Once you are clear on they rhythm, its usually easier to coordinate your hands.
- If you are having difficulty with a new piece, practice each hand separately before putting them together.
- Start songs slowly and once you coordinate your hands and fingering, you can speed up to full tempo. Use a metronome to keep you on the beat. You can download several as an app if you have a smartphone. There are also free metronomes online.